After "dangerous discovery" ... this is how the new Coruna virus spreads

Fears of an outbreak of corona virus
A health expert appointed by the Chinese government confirmed that the corona virus, which could lead to death, could transmit from one person to another, causing concern, especially as the country prepared to celebrate the lunar new year during which many Chinese travel.
The Chinese authorities had revealed 217 cases in total as of Monday evening, including 4 deaths, the last of which was in the central city of Wuhan.
How is the virus transmitted?
The virus can spread from human contact with animals. Scientists believe the virus started in cats, according to the World Health Organization.
In the event that the virus is transmitted from person to person, this often occurs when a person touches the secretions of the infected person.
Depending on the severity of the virus, coughing, sneezing or shaking hands can cause transmission of the virus, which kills 10 percent of people with it, according to the CNN website.
The virus can also be transmitted by touching something that an infected person has touched, and then to the mouth, nose, or eyes.
Health workers who work with the infected are also at risk, due to the possible transmission of the virus by exposure and contact with the infected patient's waste.
Corona virus symptoms
The virus causes the person to contract the disease, usually similar to the common cold. The symptoms of corona virus include runny nose, cough and sore throat, and a lower risk of fever and headache, which may last for a few days.
For those with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly and young, there is a possibility that the virus may cause more serious respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis.
There is no specific treatment for the virus yet, and symptoms may go away on their own.
Doctors can relieve symptoms with pain and fever medications. The CDC says a room moisturizer or hot shower can help with sore throats or coughs.
How can it be avoided?
CNN says that a person can reduce the risk of infection by avoiding sick people.
Health experts advise avoiding touching the eyes, nose and mouth permanently, and washing hands permanently with soap and water, and for at least 20 seconds.
The memories of an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Asia in 2002 and 2003 are fresh in their minds, when they appeared in China and claimed about 800 lives worldwide.