Turkish newspaper: Turkish soldiers killed and wounded in Libya

Turkish newspaper: Turkish soldiers killed and wounded in Libya

Sources revealed the presence of wounded Turkish soldiers in Nalut City Hospital.

The Turkish newspaper "Ahwal" quoted informed sources on Friday, killing 3 Turkish soldiers in Libya and wounding 6 others, so this is the first human casualties of the Turkish forces that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced to be sent to Libya late last year. According to the source.

The sources said that the bodies of the Turkish soldiers arrived in Misurata Airport, west of Libya, and that a special Turkish plane will be transported on Friday to Turkey.

A tweet on the account of a Libyan website active in Twitter revealed the presence of a number of wounded Turkish soldiers in Nalut City Hospital, 270 km west of Tripoli, according to the Turkish newspaper.

It is not yet known where the Turkish soldiers were killed, while the Libyan National Army continues to clamp down on armed militias and terrorist groups in Tripoli.

The Tripoli government, headed by Fayez al-Sarraj, who supports armed militias, used Turkish forces in their battle with the Libyan National Army led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar.

Several Arab and Western countries have criticized Turkey's sending of troops to Libya, considering it an interference in Libyan affairs, describing it as a step that increases tension in the region.

On Thursday, the Libyan National Army said it would not hesitate in its military campaign against armed militias in Tripoli.

In a statement, the Libyan National Army welcomed Russia's initiative "to bring peace and stability to Libya," but stressed "the continued efforts of the armed forces in their war against terrorist groups ... in Tripoli."

The Libyan National Army had launched an offensive to take control of Tripoli in April, and had made gains in recent weeks as the fighting intensified and took control of the coastal city of Sirte last Monday.