Trump breaks his presidential record on Twitter

Trump president breaks his Twitter record
The US president published a total of 142 tweets and re-tweets, beating his previous presidential record of 123 tweets in one day.
Trump began sharing tweets with other Twitter users 50 seconds after midnight, or at 6 am Swiss time, as he was attending the World Economic Forum in Davos.
And the US President tweeted 41 times by 1 am ET, and another 7 times by 2 am.
The last tweet of the US President came on the same day at 6:18 pm, when he retried the criticisms of the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, by Representative Doug Collins, according to the American NewsWeek website.
Many of the tweets, which Trump shared, focused on attacking the isolation and striking of top Democratic lawmakers, and Rep. Shiv was a regular target of the president's tweets.
Trump has never broken his Twitter record, despite his 142 tweets being the highest as president, he has set a record when he posted more than 160 posts and tweets republished 24 hours on January 4 and 5 of 2015, According to Trump's archive data on Twitter.
Most of Trump's tweets in the two days mentioned above were posts related to his previous NBC TV show, titled "The Apprentices," which ended in 2017.